Friday, February 10, 2012

Random handspun experiments

I picked up some wonderful alpaca to spin up.  It came out sooooo soft, I think I don't want to take a chance on messing up the softness by dying, so I'm trying to decide what to knit in the natural shade.  Since I tried various plies and various sizes, I'll have to knit something that will incorporate the variety.

During open spinning time at the shop where I bought my wheel and took a class, a lady showed me her locally grown (Fort Collins) and locally processed (Laramie Wyoming at UW) wool that was "rough processed."   I was so interested in trying other fibers that I bought 5 ounces from her ($1 an ounce, what a deal!)  In spinning it up, I had my first encounter with what is colloquially known as "vegetable matter" -- translation:  We didn't take too much time picking the leaves and thorns out of the fleece before we carded it.  This explains why at $1 an ounce, she was clearing profit on it -- they didn't spend much time on it.  It spun up fairly easily, but there's not much of it, so I'll probably use it to experiment with dying processes. ...... which is a blog for another time.

And here's my recliner, full of handspun.  Lots of fun with small samples.  So now I've begun a larger spinning project.  (more later)

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