Sunday, February 3, 2013

SuperBowl shopping trip

Went clearance shopping at my LYS.   She has a clearance sale on Super Bowl Sunday afternoon.  I picked up a bag of 13 balls of Wool of the Andes worsted weight in various colors for $10, a Lantern Moon knitting bag for $12.50, a few stitching projects, and the book Power Cables.  I also threw a beanbag at a TossAcross board to see what % discount for regular prices items.  I was a weenie, I only hit 10%, so I bought another set of Addi Turbo circs in size 8.  My philosophy of life is: You can never be too skinny, have too many silk blouses, or too many sets of size 8 circs!


  1. Seems as though you really took advantage of this sale !!!!
    What's the plan for The Wool Of The Andes?


    1. I thought about entrelac, possibly a felted bag or some hats. Something in the round without the corner turns that look so ragged on my work.

  2. Hats are a great project. Almost a necessity in your area.
    Good as gifts for friends and family.

    Btw, there's a new hat pattern coming out on the 8th.

    Coriander by Carol Feller
    check it out.
    If you are interested in knitting it, I'd like to gift it to you there on Rav.
    Let me know, Joanna


    1. I would love to do this KAL with you, if you're doing it. So I will graciously accept your offer and thank you. I want to give you plenty of warning so you can get the pre-2/8 price. Now I'll have to start looking for yarn. Let's get swatching!
